For Finance Brokers.

LRPM private mortgage lending australia
Our work with Steven Acworth spans close to 30 years of successful dealings specifically involving private funding for our clients.
What we appreciated most about working with Steven Acworth is his absolute transparency and ability to cut through the predictable ‘red tape’, keep everyone happy, and deliver the expected results and then some.
In the finance industry it is rare to find consistent facilitators that actually can and do ‘perform’ and Steven Acworth has always lived up to and beyond our expectations.
- Alexander Belor (CA) (Dip FS (F/M BM) & Cert IV FS
General Manager
Pacific Credit Group
| M 0411 154 877 | E Pacific Credit Group Level 18, Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld. 4000


Finance Brokers may immediately appreciate that a transaction is better suited to medium term private funding in the first instance so that their borrower may take advantage of a particular situation, get the "house in order", and transition the deal into an institutional proposition with some slight re-structuring for all of the boxes to be ticked. 




The more detailed and well explained the Broker's Submission (with appropriate evidence) the faster our response, and the more time can be spent on performing our primary role – raising capital!