Loan Product & Interest Rate Product Update 26 May 2023

Loan Product & Interest Rate Update

First Mortgage Loans as at 26 May 2023

"If nothing changes, nothing changes"; and nothing much has changed since our last update


"Home Office" PRIVATE

Preferred limit is $1.00M to $3.00M for existing residential securities, though larger transactions will be considered on merit. Commercial securities also considered.

LVR       Fixed Rate (1 year)

65%       8.00% pa (for strong deals only*)

* For standard quality private loans up to 70% LVR, interest rates range from 10%pa -12.00%pa, NO VALUATION & 7 DAY TURNAROUND is possible depending on quality, urgency, location and the nature of the deal). 

Establishment 1.50% + legal fees + valuation if applicable


“NON-CONFORMING” (or “no doc”)

Up to $3.50M loan per security (residential) - $750,000 per security (commercial)

Up to 75% LVR 

Up to 3 year term

Current Interest Rates from 9.70%pa

Establishment fee 2.00% + legal fees + valuation


I look forward to discussing any scenario with you.

Steven Acworth

Mobile   +61 488 22 44 16    
